Conditioning and ventilation systems – not a private matter, as an essential condition to ensure the comfort of staying in the room. For anyone interested in conditioning equipment today, remember the key points of equipment selection and training facilities to install it.
- Installation of air conditioning systems is carried out prior to finishing work that will hide all cables and pipes responsible for the abduction and air supply.
- The most important indicator is the air conditioner cooling capacity, ie its ability to dampen the energy radiated heat sources. Calculations can make yourself or ask someone for help. For example, a person produces up to 0.15 kW, through the glass from the street comes to 0.45 kW, heat developed system unit – about 0.3 kW.
- The cost of air conditioning specified in the price tag – is not finite, and it is important to consider when planning the cost of repairs. Add to the price of 10-12% – it fasteners and other parts needed to install the air conditioner.
- It is important to decide where it will be located external power split system. In view of the fact that it requires periodic cleaning and inspection, and to carry out any repairs, install the outdoor unit on the balcony (high rise) or on the wall, accessible to the user.
- Where will be given a liquid? Simple solution – on the street, on the surface of the earth. If this option – is unacceptable drain pipe is connected to the sewer.
- Unacceptable obstruct air conditioning pieces of furniture and textiles. In this case, the desired air conditioning effect will be achieved in the gap between barrier and air conditioning, and not in the room.